
Drop It to Stop It

Today, was the annual Drop It! Health Fair sponsored by the local health system. It kicks off the Healthy Living and Weight Loss Challenge for our community over the next 12 weeks. For every pound lost, $50 is donated to nursing scholarships.

Over 2,000 residents ventured out to our local community college building for  tons of free health screenings, healthy cooking demonstrations, healthy tips from the experts, sampling of different fitness classes, and information on the basics of standard nutrition.

Plus, the American Cancer Society was there to provide healthy information along with support of Relay For Life. Drop it to Stop It. Get it? Drop the weight to stop the cancer. Thanks. I know you did.

It was non-stop. Tons of people. All walks of life. New faces and familiar faces.

What I love about this challenge? We can all do it.
We can all do one little change in our lives that could end up being a huge change.

Plus, it can be fun. A group of us from school have started going to Sh'bam together. It's fun to laugh and dance and be foolish outside in the real world.

Moral of the Story: As my Grams always says, no one can take your education or you health.

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