
Momma Monday--The Journey of Life

Momma Monday--The Journey of Life

Every morning when I say my "main prayer" I pray for Worth and Anni--I would dare say 50% of my prayer is about them.  I continuously say little prayers during the days-- mini conversations with God.   Among my well thought out main prayer-- I always ask God to help me appreciate and embrace the wonderful purposeful lives Anni and Worth have made for themselves.

I will never forget at a wedding a couple of years ago--the mother of the bride and I were talking.  She was talking about her beloved mother who had passed away and one of their conversations on her deathbed.  The Mom had told her adult daughter how much she loved her and always had prayed for her.  The Mom said to her "I often wonder what your life would be like without my prayers."  This story hit me to the core.   What would my life have been like without the prayers of my beloved Mother.  What would your life be like or Anni and Worth's without the prayers of others and prayers we made for ourselves.

I just downloaded this book to my Nook which my husband gave me for Christmas—I love my Nook.  My plan is to leave it on my Nook and read exerpts daily.



"In this important follow-up to her book The Power of a Praying® Parent (over 1.7 million sold), Stormie Omartian addresses the areas of concern parents have for their grown children and shares how to lift them up to God. With stories from other parents and insight gleaned from personal experience, Stormie helps parents pray with the power of God's Word over their adult children and their

·         career choices and sense of purpose

·         marriages and other vital relationships

·         parenting skills and leadership

·         struggles, addictions, or emotional trials

·         faith commitment and prayer life

Each year thousands of parents watch their grown children step out into the world and wish they could do more to support them. They can. Every parent can rest in the power of prayer to turn their child over to the care, protection, and guidance God provides."

I don't know about you, but books like this help me to reaffirm my faith during my journey of life on Earth.  Sometimes I do question things.  I am a worrier.  Sometimes I have trouble adjusting to the ebb and flow of life.


  Have a wonderful week.

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