
Snapshots from a rainy Saturday

Here are some snapshots from this rainy, relaxing Saturday.

Making goodie bags for my 'big sis' Coach Allen. We exchange them on game days.

Washing the fruit for this week's breakfasts and lunches.

This is the amount of socks that I go through in 5 days.

Riding with Aunt Pagie & Momma over the mountain...

...to see cousin H who just moved into JMU.

I can remember when she was born.

I think the VA family is happy that she chose a college in VA.

Go Dukes! It was sunny over the mountain.

Back home...piddling the afternoon away.

Cutting up the last watermelons of the summer.

Mitchells is slowly learning how to get on the furniture.
Right now, The Farmer is picking up Pancho's and the movie Noah (I can't think of a better rainy day to watch it). Plus, I'm excited to compare the movie to the literature of the Bible.

Moral of the Story: Enjoy the day with who you are with.

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