
Tuesday Tidbits

  1. My dad is watching a Hallmark Christmas movie with me.
  2. Sometimes, you can't beat a good ol' grilled chicken salad.
  3. Thank goodness for Google. I read in our bulletin at school that my mentee teacher and I were in charge of the decorating the showcase at school for this month. Needless-to-say, the showcase is decorated complete with books, lights, and snow. Reading + Winter = Does it get any better?
  4. Reading Makes Us Bright.
  5. Advent has started. 
  6. When will it snow a lot?
  7. Momma just walked in and changed the channel to Bravo. Daddy bellowed at her. Now, we're all settled watching my guilty pleasure of Real Housewives: Beverly Hills.
  8. I love coming home to packages at my door. It's fun opening other people's gifts.
Moral of the Story: There's nothing better than a day that ends with you putting your head on your pillow thinking today was full of trying your best although not perfect.

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