
The Intern

Have you seen the movie "The Intern?"

Well, I have.

And, now, I relate.

I started an internship today.

I loved it. I learned a ton.

But, I had a problem.

The problem happened with my absolute simplest task of the day. The task that would take no thinking, no strategizing, or no legalities.  What was the task?

I had to get 2 coolers filled with water bottles down an embankment.

First, I decided to walk all the way around the embankment rather than the steep slope. Good thinking.

Then, I decided to stack the smaller cooler onto the larger cooler. Good thinking...for about 40 yards.

Can you predict what happened?

Yes, there went the cooler with 24 water bottles rolling down the hill...every which way.

I laughed and started being flying Gumby as I captured then.

World, there are good samaritans in the world.

On a hot July day, the trash man pulled up and parked his trash truck as he helped me collect the bottles.

God bless his soul. He even declined my offer of a cold water bottle (that hadn't been rolling around).

Moral of the Story: These 5 minutes absolutely made my day. Simple isn't always so simple. I had a reaction to choose at that moment. I'm thankful I laughed (and, then, saw the trash man coming).

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