
My Commercial Debut

I don't think I've ever been in a commercial intentionally.

I can guarantee that I was not a Gerber baby.

I was called a few days ago and asked to be in a commercial for a store in downtown Cpep.

I agreed for two reasons.

1) I buy things in the store.
2) It was at 8:30 in the morning (I'm lovin' it).

So, I arrived at 8:25. I walked out at 8:40.

It was a simple mission. Look like you're buying things and give one word to describe the store.

I was thinking this is the easiest work I've ever done at 8:30 in the morning.

But, then, I got assigned to my designated section of the store.

Yes, the baby section! Out of all the sections in the store, I got assigned to the one that I've only ventured into when Christina was visiting from out-of-town.

So, if you ever see the commercial, know that my reactions are pure genuine as I picked up the beach rompers with red crabs on them and the tooth fairy dinosaur with a pocket on his belly.

Moral of the Story: Sometimes you have know clue what you're walking into.

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