
One of my Favorite Birthday Parties of All Time

Today, I went to sweet Annabelle's birthday party.

It was the absolute highlight of my week.

The weather was mid-80s. And, the birthday party was held outside under the branches of a tree.

It was a party I prayed to be at.

I met Kat on my first day of Ed School so she became Ed School Kat.

Then, I was her maid of honor in her wedding so she became Married Kat.

Last year, her and Lee had Annabelle so she because Momma Kat.

And, she is a Momma I look up to.

Annabelle was born with an extremely rare syndrome. So, rare that she was the first baby at UVA hospital to have it.

Because of her team of medical doctors, love, family, friends, prayers, and the grace of God, sweet Annabelle has turned ONE.

She is thriving after a few surgeries.

She sat on a blanket with other babies and a tear came to my eye. She is a miracle.

 And, then, she rammed cake into Momma Kat's face and I had a tear.

And, then her NICU nurse showed up. Annabelle showed her how to walk. Her nurse held her through those wee hours of the first few weeks when her parents couldn't. God bless her.

Moral of the Story: When life gets busy and intense, it is the purity of the grace of God and the celebration of the journey that truly matter.

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