
Take me out to the ballgame...

2 words: Beautiful Night

Some of my fondest memories include baseball games. Why baseball games? Not because I sit there and keep score. But, I like the social aspect and looking at opposite sex and uniform (admit it!).

Tonight was perfect. The weather was amazing. UVA killed Richmond. Free food at JPJ beforehand courtesy of the Only Kat (formerly Swimmer Kat). The company was great-Christina, Only Kat, and the big kahuna of them all--Janet Lynn (Only Kat's beloved mother).

Kat, me, Christina (watching out for foul balls)

I made a dash into Whole Foods for some Better Than Peanut Butter to find they now make the chocolate version. Taste testers unite!

Kat, Janet Lynn, and I
Everyone give a cheer for the infamous Janet Lynn making her blog debut (she's very excited!).

Moral of the Story: Shooting the breeze with friends is fun, peaceful and too far and few between.

1 comment:

  1. look how close to your height i look! such an optical illusion:)

    i love you. and baseball games. and free food. and only kat.
