
On the Flipside

Well, Saturday and Sunday both had 5 AM alarms. Unusual? Not really.

But, my roles for the days ahead were new.

Saturday: Rather than being a field hockey player, I toted high school girls to a field hockey tournament in NOVA as...Coach R. Field hockey was my life for 5 years (8-12 grades). For the past 5 years, I haven't picked up my stick as I switched to triathlons. Time to switch back, although this time it won't be my 'complete' life.
Pic that was drawn up of me in the newspaper either my senior or junior year
Sunday: Rather than being a triathlete, I helped work the triathlon to raise money for the field hockey team at EVHS. I led the girls in body marking, directed traffic with deputies, and then did the exit check for over 700 athletes. We had over 60 volunteers to help raise money! I have competed in the Culpeper race for 4 years, so it was neat to get a different perspective. Although, I'm itching to get into a race in October.
Trailing the last biker...
Moral of the Story: I came into this weekend with no expectations because all the experiences would be new in some ways, yet old in others. T sent me an email (hope she doesn't mind me sharing) that summed it up best..."I hope today is a day filled with new experiences or if they are old experiences that you find new ways to enjoy them."

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