
Staples of Cville

One thing that I absolutely adore about Virginia is that you experience all 4 seasons. Well Fall has officially found residency in the Commonwealth. Charlottesville is a great place to experience all the comododies associated with Fall-football, bonfires, friends, tailgating, changing leaves on mountains, crisp weather, apples, vineyards, etc.

Over the weekend, I saturated myself in the staples of Fall in Charlottesville. And, o did I savor it.

Friday PM: Albemarle football game to watch Miss H dance (she's got more rhythm than I'll ever have), PBR (cowboys and rodeo) at JPJ with the swimmer chicks, Arch's with Only Kat & sis, Conversation with Dave (topic: education vs. business structure/comparison...I knew you were dying to know).

Saturday: Phineas and Ferb time with G & L, then...Steph's Bachelorette Party began: tailgating, football game, Carter Mountain, Jefferson Vineyard, shopping, and Zocalo to round it out.

Sunday: chill/play time at the Williams B & B, church with Only Kat and the Williams, more chill/play time (this is a good thing), Carter Mountain with G, L, and T. (we got donuts!-a first), before heading home.

Moral of the Story: Fall + UVA Football Win + Steph's Bachelorette Party + Time Spent with both Kats (Only & Marriend) + + talking to Rebecca in NC + getting a test of Ellen's chicken tetrazini creation +Time Spent with Friends from Cpep + Time Spent at the Williams B & B + wine + apples + Cville = harmony for the soul as Fall is the combination of all the other seasons. It is refreshing. I draw energy from these weekends.

1 comment:

  1. Annie: Too often I forget about your blog. When I read it, you inspire me. Today you have carried me to Virginia. Thanks for the journey. I love the picture of G&L. In fact I copied it to my pictures. Hope you don't mind. Love you. ~Gran~
