
What's on my bookshelf? Big Little Lies

This book took me a few weeks to read, but not because of the book but because of me.

I really enjoyed this book, so much that when I was done I immediately downloaded The Husband's Secret by the author.

The things I loved about the book was that it was an easy read, you could resume reading it at any point, and the characters were all dynamic.

Every character was relatable in some aspect. I can identify traits in people I know or people on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Thus, it's very entertaining.

Every parent thinks their child is gifted. Every parent is telling a little lie. Every family is interconnected in some way as past lies come back to haunt them.

The book builds up through a timeline to the murder of one of the parents. I was left guessing until the last 3% of the book.

Another pro is that the book is currently $3.99 in the Kindle store on Amazon.

Moral of the Story: When I reached 100% read, I was left wanting more.

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