
Quite a Surprise

11:40. The Smart Cookies are quietly and peacefully taking an SOL predictor.

There's a knock at the door. I open it.

I scream and 'flip out' (I was told) as I'm attacked by a whole can of silly string.

Next in is balloons and pans and more pans of cupcakes.
Happy 80th!

It was some of players who were ready to celebrate my birthday with the Smart Cookies.

They even called the principal to get permission and came during their lunch time and got a mom to drive. So, they def did some planning.

So, what's a teacher to do? I recognized what a memorable experience this could be. And, went for it.

We immediately exited out of the test to be resumed after lunch.

And, faces were bright with excitement and the thought of celebrating.
How does one find
24 4-leaf clovers?

Icing was everywhere. Silly string was everywhere.

And, some high schoolers were so very proud of their scheme.

It was a win-win for all.

As for me, it made me feel great but I was just so proud of the situation.

High schoolers orchestrating, while third graders getting to enjoy and ask them questions about later in life.

They even found 24 4-leaf clovers and made good luck cards for all the members on the team.

I should also add that in the midst of this my principal walked in with balloons 'From Your Smart Cookies.'

They took from their
lunch tray to bring
to our class.
I thought my birthday was over. I was definitely surprised.

As I toted all the goodies to my car, I then saw their last act.

Blizzard was painted. All windows. With the back, saying 'Happy 80th Birthday!'

Needless-to-say, it was quite a fun team effort when we won our game tonight.

Moral of the Story: I may not be 80, but I'll remember this day when I'm 80. 

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