H and I had our 'final sleepover of the summer.' It was great, especially since supposedly there was an attack of pseudo-ghost bed bugs last time.
We got off to a running start with a fun, loving romantic comedy, right? Nah, who needs those. We watched Letters to God. A tearjerker about the galvanizing effect that one child can have on his surrounding family, friends, and acquaintances. The boy's strong faith is his foundation of hope during his battle with cancer.
Going for the perfect 10 of sleepovers, we discussed boys, drama, and clothes, right? Well, not this time. We discussed the 10 most important events in the history of the world.
Of course we went shopping and had tons of candy, chips, cookies, and pop, right? Who needs that when you can have a sleeve of Ritz Crackers? H: "This sleeve is heaven." I told ya'll we were going BIG at this final sleepover. Go BIG or go back upstairs to your bed.

Sleepover Essentials: iTouch, retainer, sleeve of Ritz Crackers, blankie, Chilly the Polar Bear, Herbert the Christmas Tree (stuffed animal-yeah, why didn't we think of that and make millions?), smelly-warm corn husk sack contraption, and 2 girls.
Moral of the Story: Sleepovers are always fun no matter the age.
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