
Chicks with Sticks Fighting Cancer

October 2010

Field Hockey Fans,

On this fall day, it warms my heart to see these young ladies trade in their Cyclone Blue for PINK in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women in the US other than Skin Cancer. The chance of a woman having invasive Breast Cancer sometime during her life is a little less than 1 in 8. And, that is why we wear PINK today and throughout the month.

The EVHS Field Hockey Program commits to fight back during this Play for a Cure Game. EVHS is not new to fighting back off the field. Each May, EVHS generously hosts Relay For Life—the signature fundraising event of the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life is a 24-hour event to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones, and fight back against cancer. It is the world’s largest movement ever assembled to fight cancer in over 5,000 communities.

Thanks to your continued support, Relay For Life of Culpeper has been Top 10 per capita in the nation for the past few years. This past year, Culpeper surpassed raising over $2 million to save lives. This October, remember that the victories we make in the fight against Breast Cancer transcend as victories against all types of cancer.

You can learn more about the ACS program Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, the movement to end the cancer, and the hope of a nation at www.cancer.org/stridesonline, 1-800-227-2345, or speak with me.

Please join the EVHS Field Hockey Program in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and towards a world with more birthdays!

With hope,

Anne Richardson

Co-Chair Relay For Life

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