
What a day...

today was one of those pivotal days where things must be accomplished. As in life would not be the same if things didn't get accomplished. No, may I get an extra day? No, I'll just put it off until tomorrow. I had to be on!

  • lesson plans had to be made for Friday (this takes longer than planning for a week, because every minute detail of the day must be verbalized...this is why this is only the 2nd day I've taken off)
  • lesson plans had to be made for next week (hard to do when you're really not sure what will be accomplished next week)
  • it's benchmark assessment week...I had one less day since I'm leaving early...it was a cram-fest
  • tonight we had a make-up AWAY hockey game...so, I had to leave school early and just got home at 10
  • I need to pack for the wedding...
  • I need to finish my speech...
  • I need to do follow-ups for Relay...
That's the day it was...a day filled with a purpose for everything...

Moral of the Story: Tomorrow I will flip the switch of life to 'off' and savor the road trip down to Danville for Steph's wedding. I truly am excited for this momentous weekend. Mini-vacation here I come!

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