Sure, Culpeper is home. But, I consider Cville home, too.

This weekend was marked by being at home-remember, home is where the heart is whether it's Cpep or Cville.
On Friday, college friends rolled into Cpep to go to dinner with my mom and to go the EVHS football game with me. It was a statement of how far and wide our lives have spread out, yet how deep our lives have been interwoven over years of friendship.
Saturday was epic. Christina, Ellen, and I had the mission to tackle Cpep and Cville. The beautiful fall weather was the backdrop of a day spent in downtown Cpep, walking the grounds of UVA, eating Bodo's at the Rotunda as we looked out over the Lawn, meandering on the Corner, meeting ol' friends, tailgating, UVA football, joining arms to sing the Good Ol' Song, trying to get into old classrooms, Young Alumni Reunions, and a night out on the Corner.
More importantly, we reminisced, discussed our nostalgia, and firmly understood that our years at UVA transformed us.
Sunday was just as beautiful. We woke up at the Williams B & B, it was really cool for everyone to catch up. It's weird to think that all of our lives have been interwoven for a few years now. But, life keeps moving and we all keep moving with it. It's cool to see how much all of us have gone through, grown, changed, and lived over the past few years. From L who is now in K to D and T, we're all happy.
This past weekend was a celebration of the journey of college. While many would give anything to go back to college, I'm good to go with being an alum. Sure, I feel as though I can reach back and touch it but my body is facing forward to my future.
First class at UVA--Chem 141. This the seat I sat in MWF at 9AM. You had to compete for your grade as only a certain number of As were given out. So, different from Curry.

Special Notes: Ellen is actually wearing my clothes. This is big. For years, I borrowed her stuff because she had much more fashion.
Savoring Bodo's on the Lawn. Food for Thought: Cville staples devoured this weekend by 3 gals--Bodos, Arch's, Take it Away, Wayside, T's Cooking/Baking, and Christian's.
Moral of the Story:
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying ay-oh, gotta let go.I wanna celebrate and live my life--Dynamite
Us + Dynamite + Young Alumni Reunion = Epic
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