
Playing at my Alma Mater

Today, we played at Culpeper County High. The school that I graduated from.

It was really interesting to play there.

The bus pulled up and there was my parking spot senior year.

We took the girls to the bathroom and there was my all-state pictures hanging on the wall. (Only Kat & Jenna were on a relay a few pics down...go athletes). The varsity girls got such a kick that I was 30 lbs heavier and "ugly" that everyone had to put it on their phones to taunt me for the rest of my life.

We took the girls down the hall and there was my regional championship picture and Dad's 1999 football state championship picture.

It was definitely a remember when day...

Then we walked on the field...we were focused. Both teams won.

What was even cooler...was seeing Only Kat in the stands for both games. It meant so much to know that she was there to watch. Even better is that I know she would have said I was awesome had the teams won or lost.

Of course, my whole family was there for the cross-town rivalry.

It was an awesome night filled with the scent of fall, the nostalgia of my alma mater, and the essence of friendship/family nestled together.

It reminded me of change. Change can be a good thing: deciding to coach, losing weight, having stepped out/past CCHS to graduate from UVA, and having decided to coach at EVHS not CCHS. No change can be a good thing too: Only Kat after years is still one of my biggest cheerleaders, my family after years still negotiates their schedule around worth and I, I still want to win at all things life, Worth still finds the need to play pranks on me. You make the choice which side of the flip you'll be on.

Moral of the Story: When I woke up today, I had no clue how great of a Monday it would be.

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