

Tonight marked the end of 3 wonderful, swamped months of coaching high schoolers field hockey. I decided to stay in Culpeper and ask the question what could I do this year with God? Coaching was definitely something new and challenging. Overall, it was a blast and I am so thankful for the relational impact I hope I had as I spent over 20 hours a week with the ladies. It was my pleasure. I can only pray that the ladies saw good in me.

Subsequently, I know I have had about 30 minutes of free time each week as I have navigated Young Life, Relay For Life, Cville, friends, family, coaching, weddings, and being a 3rd grade teacher.

So, many people have asked whether I'll find balance in my life now?

Here's is how I want to respond. I pray I do not find balance in my life. When I do find balance in my life, then I am no longer stepping outside of my comfort zone and I am settling.

Here are some excerpts from Messy Spirituality (that I've been meandering through for months):
  • Balanced describes a person who moderates all aspects of his or her life--physical, mental, social, and spiritual--and has found the perfect mix of all these attributes. Balance sounds like a characteristic of the Christian faith, like a goal to seek after or a quality worth cultivating. Balance sounds like a worthy ideal, a perfect description of a healthy follower of Christ.
  • Beware of balance.
  • Jesus was unbalanced.
  • Balance is a dangerous, illusionary characteristic and a temptress. Disguised as normal and sensible, it is silently destructive, crushing the unbalance of giftedness, taming the extremes of passion, smothering the raging fire of a genuine relationship with Jesus.
Moral of the Story:
  • To put it another way, faith is the unbalancing force in our lives that is the fruit of God's disturbing presence.

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